Marshall B. LongSelected PublicationsS.B. Dworkin, B.C. Connelly, A.M. Schaffer, M.B. Long and M.D. Smooke, M.P. Puccio, B. McAndrews and J.H. Miller, “Computational and Experimental Study of a Forced, Time-Dependent, Methane-Air Coflow Diffusion Flame,” Proc. Comb. Inst., 31, 971-978 (2007). pdfM.D. Smooke, M.B. Long, B.C. Connelley, M.B. Colket and R.J. Hall,” Soot Formation in Laminar Diffusion Flames,” Combust. Flame 143, 613-628 (2005). pdf J.H. Frank, S.A. Kaiser, and M.B. Long, “Multuscalar imaging in partially premixed jet flames with argon dilution,” Combust. Flame 143, 507-523 (2005). pdf R.W. Dibble and
Long, “Investigation of differential diffusion in turbulent jet flows
planar laser Rayleigh scattering,” Combust.
143, 644-649 (2005). pdf S.A. Kaiser,
Frank, and M.B. Long, “Use of Rayleigh Imaging and Ray Tracing to
for Beam-Steering Effects in Turbulent Flames,” Appl. Opt. 44,
(2005). pdf K.T. Walsh, J.
M.D. Smooke, M.B. Long, and A. Linan, “A Comparison of Computational
Experimental Lift-Off Heights of Coflow Laminar Diffusion Flames,”
Comb. Inst., 30, 357-365 (2005). pdf S.A. Kaiser, D.C. Kyritsis, P. Dobrowolski, M.B. Long, and A. Gomez, “The Electrospray and Combustion at the Mesoscale,” Special Issue of the J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. of Japan, 51, p. 42-29 (2003). pdf J.H. Frank, S.A. Kaiser, and M.B. Long, “Reaction-Rate, Mixture Fraction, and Temperature Imaging in Turbulent Methane/Air Jet Flames,” Proc. Comb. Inst., 29, 2687-2694 (2002). pdf J. Fielding, J.H. Frank, S.A. Kaiser, M.D. Smooke, and M.B. Long, “Polarized/Depolarized Rayleigh Scattering for Determining Fuel Concentrations in Flames,” Proc. Comb. Inst., 29, 2703-2709 (2002). pdf C.F. Kaminski and M.B. Long, “Multi-dimensional Diagnostics in Space and Time,” in Applied Combustion Diagnostics, K. Kohse-Hoinghaus and J.B. Jeffries, ed., (Taylor and Francis, New York) 2002. pdf J. Fielding, M.B. Long, G. Fielding, and M. Komiyama, “Systematic errors in optical-flow velocimetry for turbulent flows and flames,” Appl. Opt., 40 757-764 (2001). pdf K.T. Walsh, J. Fielding, and M.B. Long, “Effect of Light Collection Geometry on Reconstruction Errors in Abel Inversions,” Opt. Lett. 25, 457 (2000). pdf J. Luque, J.B. Jeffries, G.P. Smith, D.R. Crosley, K.T. Walsh, M.B. Long, M.D. Smooke, “CH(A-X) and OH(A-X) optical emission in an axisymmetric laminar diffusion flame,” Combust. Flame 122 (1-2) pp. 172-175 (2000). pdf C.S. McEnally, L.D. Pfefferle, A.M. Schaffer, M.B. Long, R.K. Mohammed, M.D. Smooke, and M.B. Colket, “Characterization of a Coflowing Methane Air Nonpremixed Flame with Computer Modeling, Rayleigh-Raman Imaging, and On-Line Mass Spectrometry,” Proc. Combust. Inst., 28, 2063-2070 (2000). pdf K.T. Walsh, J. Fielding, M.D. Smooke, and M.B. Long, “Experimental and Computational Study of Temperature, Species, and Soot in Buoyant and Nonbuoyant Coflow Laminar Diffusion Flames,” Proc. Combust. Inst., 28, 1973-1980 (2000). pdf B.A.V. Bennett, J. Fielding, R.J. Mauro, M.B. Long and M.D. Smooke, “A comparison of the structures of lean and rich axisymmetric laminar Bunsen flames: application of local rectangular refinement solution-adaptive gridding,” Combust. Theory Modelling 3(4), 657-687 (1999). pdf J. Fielding, A.M. Schaffer, and M.B. Long “Three-Scalar Imaging in Turbulent Non-Premixed Flames of Methane,” Proc. Combust. Inst., 27, 1007 (1998). pdf D.F. Marran, M.B. Long, W.M. Studzinski, J.C. Swindal, and W.P. Acker “Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging of Crevice Hydrocarbon Emissions in a Spark-Ignited Engine,” Proc. Combust. Inst., 27, 2069 (1998). pdf K.T. Walsh, M.B. Long, M.A. Tanoff and M.D. Smooke “Experimental and Computational Study of CH, CH*, and OH* in an Axisymmetric Laminar Diffusion Flame,”Proc. Combust. Inst., 27, 615 (1998). pdf C.S. McEnally, A.M. Schaffer, M.B. Long, L.D. Pfefferle, M.D. Smooke, M.B. Colket, and R.J. Hall “Computational and Experimental Study of Soot Formation in a Coflow, Laminar Ethylene Diffusion Flame,” Proc. Combust. Inst., 27, 1497 (1998). pdf R.K. Mohammed, M.A. Tanoff, M.D. Smooke, A.M. Schaffer, and M.B. Long “Computational and Experimental Study of a Forced, Time-Varying, Axisymmetric, Laminar Diffusion Flame,” Proc. Combust. Inst., 27, 693 (1998). pdf S.H. Stårner, R.W. Bilger, J.H. Frank, D.F. Marran, and M.B. Long, “Mixture Fraction Imaging in a Lifted Methane Jet Flame,” Combust. Flame 107, 307 (1996). pdf J.H. Frank, K.M. Lyons, and M.B. Long, “Simultaneous Scalar/Velocity Field Measurements in Turbulent Gas-Phase Flows,” Combust. Flame 107, 1, (1996). pdf D.F. Marran,
Frank, M.B. Long, S.H. Stårner, and R.W. Bilger, “An Intracavity
for Improved Raman/Rayleigh Imaging in Flames,” Opt. Lett. 20, 791
(1995). pdf M.B. Long, K. Lyons, and J.K. Lam, “Acquisition and Representation of Two- and Three-Dimensional Data from Turbulent Flows and Flames,” Computer 22(8), 39-45 (1989). pdf B. Yip, J.K.
M. Winter, and M.B. Long, “Time-Resolved Three-Dimensional
Measurements in a Gas Jet,” Science 235, 1209-1211 (1987). pdf B. Yip, D.C. Fourguette, and M.B. Long, “Three-Dimensional Gas Concentration and Gradient Measurements in a Photoacoustically Perturbed Jet,” Appl. Opt. 25, 3919-3923 (1986). pdf