Yale Coflow Diffusion Flames

The original Yale Coflow Burner included a plenum containing a speaker to allow the study of both steady and time varying flames. After building a prototype, three additional burners were made using an online machine shop (eMachineshop.com). Other copies of the steady/forced burner have been made from the original CAD drawings.

In late 2014, we have been exploring making multiple copies of a steady (only) burner that consists of the upper two pieces of the steady/forced burner. The idea is to make these available, at cost, to interested parties and to take advantage of the significant cost savings when ordering in bulk. Click on the respective links below for more information.

Steady/Forced Flame Burner


*Participants in this design project: Jeffrey Gau, Dhrubajyoti Das, Charles McEnally, Davide Giassi, Nate Kempema, and Marshall Long.