Sooting Yale Coflow Diffusion Flames

  1. C.S. McEnally, A.M. Schaffer, M.B. Long, L.D. Pfefferle, M.D. Smooke, M.B. Colket, and R.J. Hall, “Computational and Experimental Study of Soot Formation in a Coflow, Laminar Ethylene Diffusion Flame,” Proc. Combust. Inst. 27, 1497-1505 (1998).
  2. M.D. Smooke, R.J. Hall, M.B. Colket, J. Fielding, M.B. Long, C.S. McEnally, and L.D. Pfefferle, “Investigation of the Transition from Lightly Sooting towards Heavily Sooting Coflow Ethylene Diffusion Flames,” Combust. Theory Modelling  8, p. 593–606 (2004).
  3. M.D. Smooke, M.B. Long, B.C. Connelly, M.B. Colket and R.J. Hall, “Soot Formation in Laminar Diffusion Flames,” Combust. Flame 143, 613-628 (2005).
  4. S.B. Dworkin, B.C. Connelly, A.M. Schaffer, B.A.V. Bennett, M.B. Long, M.D. Smooke, M.P. Puccio, B. McAndrews and J. H.Miller, "Computational and experimental study of a forced, time-dependent, methane–air coflow diffusion flame," Proc. Combust. Inst. 31, 971-978 (2007).
  5. B.C. Connelly, M.B. Long, M.D. Smooke, R.J. Hall, and M.B. Colket, “Computational and Experimental Investigation of the Interaction of Soot and NOx in Coflow Diffusion Flames,” Proc. Combust. Inst. 32, 777–784 (2009).
  6. B.C. Connelly, B.A.V. Bennett, M.D. Smooke and M.B.Long, “A Paradigm Shift in the Interaction of Experiments and Computations in Combustion Research,” Proc. Combust. Inst. 32, 879–886 (2009).
  7. P.B. Kuhn, B.Ma, B.C. Connelly, M.D. Smooke, and M.B. Long, “Soot and Thin-filament Pyrometry Using a Color Digital Camera,” Proc. Combust. Inst. 33, 743-750 (2011).
  8. J.D. Herdman, B.C. Connelly, M.D. Smooke, M.B. Long and J.H. Miller, "A comparison of Raman signatures and laser-induced incandescence with direct numerical simulation of soot growth in non-premixed ethylene/air flames," Carbon 49, 5298-5311 (2011).
  9. B. Ma and M.B. Long, “Absolute light calibration using S-type thermocouples,” Proc. Combust. Inst. 34, 3531–3539 (2013).
  10. B. Ma, G. Wang, G. Magnotti, R. S. Barlow and M. B. Long, “Intensity-ratio and color-ratio thin-filament pyrometry: Uncertainties and accuracy,” Combust. Flame, 161(4), 908–916 (2014).
  11. B. Ma and M.B. Long, “Combined soot optical characterization using 2-D multi-angle light scattering and spectrally resolved line-of-sight attenuation and its implication on soot color-ratio pyrometry,” Applied Physics B, 1-17 (2014).
  12. N.J. Kempema and M.B. Long, “Quantitative Rayleigh Thermometry for High Background Scattering Applications with Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging,” Appl. Optics 53 (29), 6688-6697 (2014).
  13. N.J. Kempema and M.B. Long, "Combined optical and TEM investigations for a detailed characterization of soot aggregate properties in a laminar coflow diffusion flame," Combust. Flame 164, 373-385 (2016).
  14. N.J. Kempema and M.B. Long, "Boundary Condition Thermometry using a Thermographic-Phosphor-Coated Thin Filament," Appl. Optics 55 (17), 4691-4698 (2016).
  15. N.J. Kempema, B. Ma, and M.B. Long, “Investigation of In-Flame Soot Optical Properties in Laminar Coflow Diffusion Flames using Thermophoretic Particle Sampling and Spectral Light Extinction,” Applied Physics B, 122: 232 (2016).
  1. A. Shaffer, "Quantitative Charcterization of Species, Temperature, and Particles in Steady and Time-Varying Laminar Flames by Optical Methods," (Ph.D Thesis, Yale University, 2001).
  2. B. C. Connelly, "Quantitative Characterization of Steady and Time-Varying, Sooting, Laminar Diffusion Flames using Optical Techniques," (Ph.D. Thesis, Yale University, 2009).
  3. B. Ma, "Development of quantitative optical techniques for microgravity combustion and sooty flame characterization," (Ph.D. Thesis, Yale University, 2013).
  4. N. J. Kempema, "Quantitative Characterization of Sooting Ethylene Coflow Laminar Diffusion Flames with Optical Diagnostics and Thermophoretic Sampling," (Ph.D. Thesis, Yale University, 2016).